Aetos Lodge



We are a Lodge of Freemasons from all ages and professions which range from Civil Engineers, Builders, Civil Servants, Local Council Officers, Motor Factors, Electronics and The Catering trade.

If you are interested in joining us we welcome all, who are already a Freemasons or wish to become a Freemason.

Aetos Lodge meets at Freemasons Hall Great Queen St. London, Our Lodge meets four times a year, in the late afternoon and early evening and will include a dinner after the meeting.

It is important to identify whether a Lodge’s location and meeting days/times are convenient for you, so that you can commit to a regular attendance without damaging your family or work commitments. You should also be able to bear the financial commitment (subscriptions, an expectation of contributions to charitable funds, dining fees, regalia etc). Above all, no one should undertake membership which may adversely affect his family, employment or other non-Masonic commitments.

A Freemason may join more than one Lodge and visit other Lodges as a guest, so a change of home or job should not necessarily cause difficulties. Lodges meet all over the UK, and indeed all over the world.

Membership of a Lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England is open all to men of good character aged 18 or over who have been proposed by two members. The final decision rests with the members of the individual Lodge. If you are interested in becoming a Freemason in Our Lodge, introductions can be made via our Secretary at


A Very Special Visitor and Raising Ceremony at Earl Spencer Lodge No 1420

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The speech as art: a new Mason’s Speech

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FOREWORD: RW Bro. Warren Duke, Metropolitan Grand Master

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